Refund Policy

What you need to know about refund requests

Our refund policy is designed to be transparent, ensuring your experience is smooth and fair. All refund requests will be reviewed by the TOGZG Help Team. If you are eligible for a refund, it will be processed within 14 days.

To submit a refund request, please submit a ticket related to the order and detail the reason for your request to our support team at:

Please whitelist our email: to ensure our emails reach your inbox without any issues.

Before requesting a refund

Review our TOGZG Refund Rules to check if you are eligible for a refund.

TOGZG Refund Rules

Here are the situations in which we provide a refund for books and related services:

Purchases on Affiliate Platforms
For books purchased through our affiliate marketing platforms, the refund policy of the respective platform (such as Amazon) will apply. Please refer to the specific platform’s refund policy for details.

Direct Purchases on Our Website
If you purchased a digital book directly from our website, please note that digital products are generally non-refundable unless they meet the following criteria:

The product is “not as described”
Each book has its own description on the product page which details all features and attributes. If the book is significantly different from its description, you will be entitled to a refund.

The product doesn’t work the way it should
If a digital book doesn’t function properly and cannot be accessed or read as intended, and this issue cannot be resolved, you are entitled to a refund.

The product has a security vulnerability
If a digital book contains a security vulnerability and cannot be easily fixed, you are entitled to a refund.

Why a refund may not be given

For both direct purchases and purchases through affiliate platforms, a refund may not be given in the following situations:

  • You don’t want it after you’ve purchased it.
  • The book did not meet your expectations.
  • You simply change your mind.
  • You bought the book by mistake.
  • You do not have sufficient expertise to use the digital format.
  • You can no longer access the item because it has been removed from the affiliate platform (we advise you to download the book as soon as you purchase it to avoid this situation).
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